[VGE-D-SD02] Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger
Featuring many Demon Units
Accumulate your power for a decisive shot!
Featured Nations: SD02 - Dark States
Pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards/1 display contains 8 decks
・15 types of cards (15 new cards, inclusive of 1 type of 1 holo card)
・Play Sheet
New mechanics: Ride Deck and Over Trigger
Ride Deck
Prepare a Ride Deck of 4 pieces consisting of 1 unit of each grade (0~3).
Guaranteed ride from your Ride Deck during Ride Phase.
Over Trigger
A powerful Trigger Unit that each deck can only have 1 piece of.
Your unit gets Power +100 Million when it is revealed as a trigger.
It has additional effects when revealed during drive check as well.
Make a comeback when you're in a pinch with the Over Trigger!
Featuring many Demon Units
Accumulate your power for a decisive shot!
Featured Nations: SD02 - Dark States
Pre-constructed trial deck contains 50 cards/1 display contains 8 decks
・15 types of cards (15 new cards, inclusive of 1 type of 1 holo card)
・Play Sheet
New mechanics: Ride Deck and Over Trigger
Ride Deck
Prepare a Ride Deck of 4 pieces consisting of 1 unit of each grade (0~3).
Guaranteed ride from your Ride Deck during Ride Phase.
Over Trigger
A powerful Trigger Unit that each deck can only have 1 piece of.
Your unit gets Power +100 Million when it is revealed as a trigger.
It has additional effects when revealed during drive check as well.
Make a comeback when you're in a pinch with the Over Trigger!